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Cell Ultrastructure

Table 1-10-2: Microscopes (1)
Feature Optical microscope Electron microscope
Radiation Light Electrons
Magnification 400x (max1500) ≈500 000x
Resolution 2µm 1nm / 0,001µm
Electrons have a small wavelength
Higher resolution
Vacuum in microscope Absent Present
Specimen is Alive or dead
Dead (vacuum!)

Transmission microscope:
Electrons pass through internal structure of specimen

Scanning microscope:
Beams of electrons are reflected off specimens surface. Allows a three dimensional view

Cell wall (plant cells only)

Nucleus (5µm)

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (rough ER)

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth ER)

Ribosomes (20-30nm)

Golgi apparatus

Vacuole and vesicles

Lysosomes (0.05 to 0.5 micron)

Mitochondria (1µm in diameter and 7µm in length)

Chloroplast (4-6µm in diameter and 1-5µm in length)